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Rieber-Mohns veg 2, 5230 Paradis, Norveška
Imagine a life without chronic pain. Picture yourself with an abundance of energy. How would your life change if you woke up every morning feeling fantastic, hopping out of bed with a spring in your step?
Health Optimizing Bergen is the mother clinic of the global high-tech clinic franchise, Health Optimizing. Our aim is to not only support you in resolving health challenges but in maintaining and optimizing your health so that you can thrive in your life. Becoming healthier is not a one-stop destination, it's a continuous journey, and we're here to support you every step of the way!
Get to know our skilled team, peruse our resources, and check out our latest offers below. We look forward to welcoming you to our clinic soon!
Founder & Head of Innovation
Team Leader & Senior Therapist
Accounting & Administration
Receptionist & Sales Manager
Rezervirajte svoj termin še danes z uporabo našega enostavnega spletnega rezervacijskega sistema!
Book NowDen internasjonale Health Optimizing klinikkgruppen er ledende innenfor det fremvoksende feltet teknologibasert medisin. Vi vokser og tilbyr unike muligheter for leger, osteopater, sykepleiere og terapeuter som ønsker å gå utover begrensningene i konvensjonell medisin i et komplementært helsekonsept.
Vi søker deg som har:
Vi kan tilby:
Mulighet til å lære et innovativt og verdensledende konsept og jobbe i en av de norske Health Optimizing klinikkene i Bergen og Oslo. Bli en del av det banebrytende teamet som bruker de mest avanserte teknologiene fra hele verden og lære en altomfattende metodikk for å gjenopprette og optimalisere helse. Det kan også være muligheter for å jobbe i andre Health Optimizing klinikker rundt om i verden.
Slik søker du og får mer informasjon: www.healthoptimizing.com
Hvis du vil utforske denne muligheten, kan du sende oss et søknadsbrev med litt informasjon om deg selv, inkludert en CV, så snart som mulig, men senest innen 15. august 2023.
Roger Hovland, CEO
Vennlig og god til å kommunisere med klienter
Generell erfaring med datamaskiner
Interessert i teknologiske fremskritt
Positiv og optimistisk livsinnstilling
Gode engelsk- og skandinaviske språkkunnskaper
Interesse for effektive «ikke-invasive» tilnærminger for å gjenopprette god helse
The global Health Optimizing clinic group is a pioneer in the emerging field of technology-based medicine. We are expanding and offer unique opportunities for Medical Doctors, Osteopaths, Nurses, and Therapists with an interest for innovation, surpassing the limitations of conventional medicine in our complementary concept.
We are looking for someone who:
What we offer:
An opportunity to learn and work within the Norwegian Health Optimizing clinics in Bergen and Oslo. Become a part of the pioneering team utilising the most advanced technologies from all over the world and learning an all-encompassing methodology to restore and optimize health. There may also be further opportunities to work in other Health Optimizing clinics internationally.
How to apply and learn more information:
If you would like to explore this exciting opportunity, please send an application letter with some information about yourself, including a resume, to our CEO, Roger Hovland. Email roger@healthoptimizing.com as soon as possible for consideration. Applications close on the 5th of August 2023.
Passionate about non-invasive health approaches that can restore health.
Join a collaborative team of dedicated practitioners.
Engage with local and international clients.
Support clients in their assessment & therapeutic processes.
Good English & Scandinavian language skills, written and verbal.
Positive and optimistic outlook on life.